Blog Makeover Announcement

Hey guys!

So as you can see, I’ve given my blog a little bit of a makeover. The name stays the same but I’ve changed up the layout and added convenient tabs so you can easily find specific topics e.g. Disney, Blogmas, Reviews etc.

Whilst I’ll still be blogging about Disney, I wanted to expand my blog to include other things that interest me – from reviewing music to sharing pieces that are close to my heart. Something I learnt from partaking in Blogmas last year was that I really enjoy writing about a variety of topics and seeing as my interests aren’t just Disney related – I figured I may as well incorporate that into my blogging life.

I haven’t set myself any particular resolutions this year, but I know for a fact that I really want to work hard on my blog. Writing is my biggest passion and I want to boost my self confidence with my writing and I want to continue sharing it with the world.
With that in mind, hopefully you’ll be seeing more from me in the coming weeks and I can stick by my promise myself to blog more.


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