Blogmas Day Nine - The Christmas Tag

Hello and welcome to Day Nine of Blogmas! Today is a Sunday which means my plans for the day are eating copious amounts of chocolate and watching Christmas films. It’s what you’re supposed to do over the festive period, right?

For today’s Blogmas post, I thought I would attempt to do The Christmas Tag and answer some Christmas themed questions…

What are your favourite Christmas movies?
Well, if you read my blog post from yesterday, you’ll see what Disney Christmas movies I love but apart from those, I also love films like Home Alone, Jack Frost, Miracle on 34th Street, The Holiday and also newer Netflix films like The Christmas Prince or Princess Switch. I’m a sucker for cute and cheesy festive films. You also can’t go wrong with the likes of Elf, The Grinch, Love Actually, I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus etc… Basically, give me a Christmas film and I’m happy.

Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
Christmas morning, always. It’s a tradition in my house that we wake up early (because I make sure everyone is awake super early on Christmas Day) and then we head downstairs and the first thing we do is pull crackers and exchange presents.

Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
No one memory sticks out in particular as my favourite but since losing my Mum, I treasure all of the memories and moments shared with her; particularly the ones around the holidays like Christmas.

What are your favourite festive foods?
Give me all the mince pies and I’m happy. Obviously, your Christmas dinner is always going to be a winner too. However, if we’re thinking about foods that get eaten around Christmas then also give me a giant tub of Heroes or Celebrations or give me cheese, peanuts and twiglets and I’m happy. Oh, and obviously – advent calendar chocolate.

What is your favourite Christmas scent?
The Christmas Cookie candle from Yankee Candles, without a doubt.

Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
No traditions as such. I’ll be with my family and we’ll either go out for a meal or we’ll have dinner at home. During the day, last minute preparations will be made if anything needs to be done for Christmas Day but aside from that, you can catch me watching Christmas films and getting ready for the day ahead.

What tops your tree?
A star. In my family house, we now have a star with my Mum’s name on it so that takes pride of place at the top of our tree.

What is the best part about Christmas for you?
The magic of it. For me, Christmas is such a magical time of year with decorations, lights and songs galore. Everyone embraces a festive spirit and you can don cheesy Christmas jumpers, snuggle up on the sofa and watch your favourite festive films whilst eating a lot of chocolate and nobody says anything because its Christmas. Decorating our flat has been one of the best things about Christmas this year and I love all of the festive additions we have throughout the flat. It’s a special time of the year and I’m glad I’m finally in a place where I can once again embrace it.

So, there we have it! It was a lot of fun answering the questions – you should all have a go too! Let me know if you take part in The Christmas Tag.


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