Never Grow Up

From the ‘Isn’t Disney for kids??’ remarks to the raised eyebrow looks you receive from some people when Disneybounding in Disneyland; one of my biggest pet peeves is being told Disney isn’t for you because you’re no longer a child.

Most people I’ve come across have thankfully been quite the opposite to the above statement. However, I know this isn’t always the case as the concept of ‘Never grow up’ seems to have gone over a lot of people’s heads.

Let’s start with the films. Animation, singing and princesses? I can already hear the scoffing coming from those who would argue that these are marketed towards children. The sheer hard work and imagination that goes into making such films were not just created with the intention of only being viewed by children and those that take them to see these films. The beauty of Disney movies are that they are universal. The detail that goes into the animation, the thought that goes into the messages the films portray and the time that goes into creating the songs are there for a whole range of people to enjoy. Disney films are timeless and should be given the appreciation they deserve by people of all ages.

My first trip to any Disney park wasn’t until I was 22. The dream of being able to visit never left me through growing up and to finally be able to make it a reality, no matter my age, was unforgettable. Since my first trip in June 2016, I’ve been to Disneyland Paris five further times with many more trips in the pipeline. At the age of nearly 24, the excitement and magic of walking down Main Street and seeing the Castle or interacting with one of my favourite characters is still very much there. So, if your dream when you were younger was to visit a Disney park and you are now financially able to make it happen – then go for it. No matter your age, you will get whisked away in the magic. Age is not a factor in Disney so if you’re thinking ‘I’m too old to go on the Mad Hatter’s Tea Cups’ – believe me when I say that you aren’t. The Disney magic does not have an age restriction…you’ve just got to remember to believe.

This brings me onto the topic of Disneybounding. The one age restriction Disney does have in place is the wearing of costumes for anyone above the age of twelve. However, this doesn’t stop a plethora (me included) of people taking part in the wonderous and creative task of Disneybounding. I’s a fun and imaginative way for those who cannot wear full costumes to show appreciation of their favourite characters through the attention to colour, detail and themed ears. Disneybounding is a phenomenon that spreads worldwide, and people of any age get involved. 

With my girlfriend and I both being Disney lovers, you can imagine the amount of Disney items that we have in our flat. From plushes of our favourite characters to Disney kitchen bits – our flat has plenty of the Disney magic living in it. Disney has been with both of us throughout our whole lives and the magic will only be shared when we have our own family and can share the love with our children.

Just remember: no matter how old you are, the Disney magic will always live in your heart. 


  1. I'm 20 and Disney is still one of my favourite things, and will always be x

  2. Yes! I cannot agree with this more. I am absolutely obsessed with all things Disney, especially alice in wonderland and Winnie the pooh. Im 21 and i hate it when people say its for kids. Ive only really appreciated disney as ive got older and i certainly enjoy going to disneyland more now than i did when i was 7. The disney magic is timeless! Great post x


    1. Yeah I completely agree with that - I definitely appreciate Disney a lot more now that I’m older! Xx


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