Blogmas Day Twenty Five - Merry End Of Blogmas!

First of all let me start this post by saying MERRY CHRISTMAS! If you don’t celebrate then I hope your day is still full of joy. It can be a hard time of the year so whatever you’re doing - know that you’re not alone and please keep yourself safe. You matter.

I can’t believe it’s the end of Blogmas. There were points I really didn’t think I’d be able to complete it. Admittedly I struggled a lot and perhaps that showed in my writing at points. However, I’m proud of myself because I kept going and I didn’t give up. Mostly because my girlfriend didn’t let me, haha! In seriousness though - I wouldn’t have been able to do Blogmas without her. Whether it was her not letting me give up, or when I bounced ideas off her or even when she’d inspire me with wonderful ideas! So Jade - thank you! 

Another big thank you to all of you for reading my posts and sticking with me through my first Blogmas journey. You’re all wonderful.

Seeing as it’s Christmas, I don’t want to keep you guys too long. I definitely think I’ll be attempting Blogmas again next year but for the mean time, regular blogging shall continue.

Merry Christmas and enjoy your day!


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