Happy National Coming Out Day
Coming out isn’t black and white. It’s not something that looks the same for everyone and every individual’s experience with it is different. For some, coming out is the best thing they can do for themselves and their lives. However, for some people, it’s not safe for them to come out or they don’t feel comfortable or even feel the need to. There’s no right or wrong to coming out and there most definitely isn’t an age limit to it. I think that something that’s important to emphasise is the fact that not publicly coming out does not invalidate your identity. However you identify is still valid no matter if/when you come out. Nobody should ever feel a pressure to come out, particularly if they don’t feel safe, comfortable, or ready to do so. A big myth about coming out is that it’s a one-time thing. People sometimes assume that you come out and then every single person you ever encounter knows your identity but obviously this is far from the case and a lot of the times, you neve...