Why Pride Is More Than Just A Party
Pride season is nearly upon us and naturally this means that excitement is filling the air, rainbows are starting to appear everywhere and even the weather is perking up (here’s hoping I haven’t just jinxed that one). As each year passes, Pride seems to become more and more widespread throughout the country, with more businesses and shops showing support by selling rainbow themed products and foods. This is made even better when proceeds from these sales are donated to LGBTQ+ based charities to really make a difference to those who need the help. It’s all good donning Pride flags, but if you’re a big business and want to show your support, then there’s plenty of LGBTQ+ related charities and organisations that could do with your help. Recently, Disney have released their own ‘Pride collection’ with a small donation from the sales going to a Diversity Role Models charity. It’s a small step but it’s still needed and appreciated. This year’s London Pride will take place on the 6 ...